Nine months of eager anticipation is finally over, and the moment of life’s greatest joy has arrived!
You will not want to miss the opportunity to have your newborn photographed at this special time.
We highly recommend a newborn portrait session to take place within two weeks after birth.
In fact, as long as the baby is in healthy condition, the sooner, the better.
Babies are generally sleepier and more flexible or “curly” as they were in the womb during the early days after birth.
This makes them more amenable to posing for a photo shoot.
This is the ideal time to capture those angelic sleeping shots!
It is also before the onset of any possible baby acne or colic.
We suggest you plan your newborn session for four hours to accommodate various needs of your baby.
Some babies require more cuddling and/or feeding than others.
We have a selection of props.
However, if you have any special or sentimental items you would like to incorporate into the portrait, please feel free to prepare such items.
We also have a collection of Japanese cultural items to choose from for your baby’s photo shoot.
It is never too early to book your newborn session because your baby’s date of birth is unpredictable.

If you or your child is not feeling well, it is better to reschedule. Safety and good health are of prime importance.

You can work with you to reserve a timeframe for you.
If you are having an induction or have a planned c-section date.
However,If you are letting your baby decide.,You approximate due date will be noted and arrangements will be made as soon as the baby arrives.
Give us a call as soon as possible after the baby is born(email is fine too!)
Some parents will even message us as they are going into labor or heading for the hospital.
This allows us to do any schedule that might be necessary to be sure that your session will take place within the first tow weeks.
When we get to your place,give your baby a full feeding.
They need to have a full tunny to get into the deep sleep that we'll need for most of the poses.
Please dress your baby in something that does not have to be pulled over their head to remove,like a sleeper that snaps up the front,etc.
We try to disturb them a little as possible in getting them undressed and ready for the first setup.
It's also ideal if you can keep them awake some extra time before this feeding.
It's hard to keep a newborn awake sometimes,but if you can accomplish this,they will sleep more readily during their session and more quickly acclimate to my constant touch.
Babies generally do not like to be naked.
We keep the room at a toasty about 31℃(86-90 degrees) so that baby will feel comfortable and warm even with no clothes on.
if you or your child is not feeling well, it is better to reschedule. Safety and good health are of prime importance.

Our English speaking coordinator will help you customize your session.